Make Math Fun

Well my blogging journey has not taken off like I had hoped. I haven't taken the time to sit down and type as much out as I had planned. It's never too late to start, though, right?! :) Well here goes..... I have been on a mission this year. My mission is to make learning fun for all kids of all abilities. Some kids are good at certain subjects and some just aren't as good. However, kids should still love learning no matter what their abilities are. My goal is for all of my students to walk away from my classes wanting to be lifelong learners. A quote I've recently heard from multiple sources is "I don't teach a test. I teach kids." So my focus this year is on teaching kids and meeting them where they are. I teach 5th Grade Math and 6th Grade Science. This is only my 3rd year of teaching math, but I knew my methods needed to change. They were the same everyday. I was very predictable. LOL. Students would come in, turn in their homework from last night,...